​Personality tests are designed to reveal aspects of our character or some psychological traits that we did not know about ourselves. Because each personality test is designed to measure certain traits, it must be taken as seriously as possible and each question answered honestly.

The personality test measures factors such as motivations, temperamental traits, emotional stability, capacity for social interaction and other elements that can describe your behaviors.

This time I bring you a personality test that will tell you some characteristics of your way of being that you probably had not realized, all you have to do is choose among the eight groups of friends that we will show you later.

Each of these groups is different from each other, there are friends with whom you can talk and others that you only look for when you want to go out and have fun, so it is important that you choose the group with which you most identify.

What is friendship?

Before taking this personality test, it is important to define friendship as the bond that we form between one or more people with whom we have an affinity in certain aspects and in which there are values such as:

  • Trust
  • Loyalty
  • Love
  • Generosity
  • Unconditionality
  • Sincerity
  • Commitment

Friendship is based on a disinterested feeling, appearing spontaneously, friendships are chosen.

Which group do you identify with the most?

Escoge un grupo de amigos

Sibling friendship

​If you chose image #1 then you define friendship as the opportunity to choose your siblings. You feel more related to your friends than to some members of your blood family.

Friendship for life

In case you have chosen image #2, you have friendships as one of the pillars in your life, you have friends that you have kept since you were little and they are very important to you.
No matter how many years pass or how many changes you or your friends go through, you feel that this bond is forever.

Intellectual friendship

In case you have chosen image #3, you know that with your friends you can share ideas and fantasies that other people cannot understand.
You enjoy having friends with whom you can watch movies or listen to music.

Emotional friendship

If you chose image #4, then your ideal friendship is one in which you can talk about everything you feel without caring what they say.
You are not ashamed to tell intimate or very deep details about yourself, because you feel confident and you know that you will not be judged

Independent friendship

Image #5 tells us that for you the ideal friendship is like the perfect bond, where there are no reproaches or prejudices, but rather freedom.
That's why you can have friends that you don't see that often and you miss several chapters of their lives, but you know that everything is fine and that they will be there for you, and vice versa, when you need them.

Humorous friendship

If you think that image #6 defines you, then for you it is not possible to think about friendship if it is not through laughter. You have fun with your friends, they go out, they laugh and they always speak the same code.
If you had a bad day or are worried, you know that with your friends everything will be fine.

Adventurous friendship

In any case, if your choice was image #7, then friendships for you are those people who accompany you to do things that you would not dare to do alone.
Your friends support you, encourage you and take you out of your comfort zone.

Friendship between tribes

And lastly, if you chose image #8 for yourself, friends are like a tribe, everyone supports and protects each other.
You feel loved, understood and, above all, you feel part of something that does you good.

With which group did you feel most identified? Did the test hit or do you think it was wrong? Leave your opinion in the comments.

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