Have you noticed that you are the person you talk to the most in your entire life? It's true, no one gets more talk, theories and messages from you than yourself! For this reason, it is important that the way you talk to yourself and the type of talk you use with yourself is positive and healthy.
A healthy relationship with yourself allows you to feel more confident, accepted and at peace. If you've ever felt like you don't know yourself or have judged yourself harshly and been overly critical of yourself, then it's time to improve your relationship with yourself.
Self-esteem is a key element to have a healthy relationship with yourself. It is important to recognize our own worth and love ourselves, without depending on the approval of others.
Self-esteem helps us set healthy boundaries, make informed decisions, and trust ourselves. Self-compassion is also essential to having a good relationship with yourself.
It consists of being kind, compassionate and accepting our imperfections without judging ourselves. Self-compassion helps us develop emotional resilience and cope with challenges more easily.
How should we talk to ourselves?
The way we talk to ourselves has a huge impact on our happiness and emotional well-being. If you speak to yourself with negativity, insecurity, and self-deprecation, you are likely to feel unhappy and stressed most of the time.
Conversely, if you talk to yourself with kindness, compassion, and acceptance, you are likely to feel happier, more confident, and at peace with yourself. That is why it is important to know how we should talk to ourselves to positively improve our confidence.
Here are some examples of how you should talk to yourself to build a healthy relationship with yourself:
- Instead of saying "I'm not enough," change it to "I'm enough and I'm destined for great things." Remember that you are capable and have the potential to achieve great things.
- Instead of telling yourself "I always make mistakes," change it to "I see every mistake as an opportunity to learn and get one step closer to my true potential." Remember that we all make mistakes and that the important thing is to learn from them and grow.
- Instead of saying "I don't have time to take care of myself", change it to "my body and my mind are a temple where all things are created". Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for your well-being and happiness.
- Instead of telling yourself "my life has no purpose," change it to "I am in the process of discovering my purpose and am open to new experiences and opportunities." Remember that there is always something new to discover and that your purpose can change over time.
Practical tips to improve our relationship with ourselves
Know yourself
To have a healthy relationship with yourself, it's important to take the time to learn about your strengths and weaknesses, your interests and hobbies, your values and beliefs. Self-exploration can help you discover who you are and what matters to you.
You can list your positive and negative characteristics, ask yourself about your dreams and goals, or simply spend time reflecting on your thoughts and feelings. When you have a clear understanding of who you are, it's easier to make decisions that benefit you in the long run.
Accept your imperfections
Nobody is perfect, and that includes you. Instead of harshly judging yourself for your flaws, it's important to accept them and work on them. Accepting your imperfections as part of what makes you unique and valuable can help you feel more confident and maintain a positive attitude toward yourself. When you accept your imperfections, it is also easier to accept the imperfections of others.
Take care of your physical and emotional health
Take care of your physical and emo health tional is key to having a healthy relationship with yourself. This can include exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress effectively. It's also important to take care of your mental health, which can include therapy, meditation, or any other technique that helps you relax and feel calmer.
Set healthy boundaries
It is important to set healthy boundaries in your relationships with others. Learning to say "no" when necessary and setting clear boundaries can help you avoid falling into the self-sabotage trap and maintain healthy relationships with others. For example, you can set limits in your romantic relationships, in your friendships, in your family or even in your work.
Practice self-compassion
Self-compassion is the ability to treat yourself with kindness, patience, and understanding instead of harshly judging yourself. Practicing self-compassion can help you be kinder to yourself and forgive yourself when you make mistakes. Excessive self-criticism can damage your self-esteem and negatively affect your relationship with yourself. Instead, when you practice self-compassion, you allow yourself to be human and give yourself permission to make mistakes.
Do things that make you happy
Spending time doing things that make you happy is key to having a healthy relationship with yourself. This can include hobbies, sports, art, music, travel, or any other activity that makes you feel good about yourself. By doing things that make you happy, you are showing yourself that you deserve to be happy and that you matter.
Practice gratitude
Gratitude is the practice of focusing on what you have instead of what you lack. Practicing gratitude can help you see things more positively and feel more satisfied with your life. You can start a gratitude journal where you write down each day the things you are grateful for, or simply take a few minutes each day to reflect on the positive things in your life.
Learn to forgive yourself
Forgiveness isn't always easy, but learning to forgive yourself for mistakes and wrong decisions is important to having a healthy relationship with yourself. Instead of blaming and punishing yourself for past mistakes, learn from them and move on. Remember that we all make mistakes and that forgiveness is an important part of emotional growth and healing.