If you are thinking of eating a healthier and more balanced diet, then you should look for foods that cannot be missing in your pantry. Thanks to a balanced diet our health can improve greatly since we can reduce cardiovascular diseases, protect bone health and improve our immune system.

We also want to give you some tips to get the most out of these foods and thus provide more nutrients to your body:

  • Opt for fresh and unprocessed foods
  • Eat fruits and vegetables raw, don't forget to disinfect them before eating them.
  • Cook legumes (chickpeas and beans) with meat and vegetables to take advantage of all the benefits.
  • Steam or cook vegetables with little water. Use the leftover liquid to make soups

Remember that, to achieve a correct diet, it is recommended to include at least one food from each of the food groups in each main meal. These are: preferably whole grain cereals, legumes and foods of animal origin, as well as fruits and vegetables.

Below we leave you the essential foods in a healthy diet.


Essential foods for a healthy diet

It is a fruit very rich in healthy fats, monounsaturated. It helps to keep the skin young and regulates the cholesterol level. It provides potassium, a mineral that activates the elimination of toxins, and vitamins E and C.


Essential foods for a healthy diet

Beans are rich in vegetable protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, folic acid, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Most beans are also low in fat. Legumes are similar to meat in nutrients, but with lower iron levels and no animal fats.


Essential foods for a healthy diet

This fish contains significant amounts of Omega 3 and vitamins. Its intake can help reduce cholesterol levels as well as the risk of arrhythmia.


Essential foods for a healthy diet

It is a good source of fiber and has a low glycemic index, which means that blood sugar levels rise moderately and slowly after taking it. So you feel with a full stomach for longer.


Essential foods for a healthy diet

One of the qualities of this vegetable is that it has a large amount of water, as well as being a source of important minerals and vitamins that have been characterized by their contribution to diuretic power and therefore, its regular consumption can help cleanse the blood.

Fruits of the forest

Essential foods for a healthy diet

In this group we have blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and currants. All four are among the foods richest in antioxidants and have the property of making collagen, the protein that helps keep skin smooth and young.


Essential foods for a healthy diet

They contain protein, healthy fats, fiber and anti-inflammatory polyphenols, but above all, omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. They control blood pressure, guarantee greater cardiovascular health and better cholesterol levels.

Olive oil

Essential foods for a healthy diet

Olive oil is one of the healthiest we can find. The main fatty acid in this plant-based product is oleic. From it we obtain omega 3 and substances such as carotenes or sterols. Olive oil is an unsaturated fat.

Green Tea

Essential foods for a healthy diet

Green tea is a valuable source of flavonoids and has an antioxidant effect. Flavonoids are a diverse group of phytonutrients. This drink contains caffeine, but the effect is less, more gradual, and lasts longer.


Essential foods for a healthy diet

Its fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which is healthy for the heart. It also provides a high protein level and is rich in potassium, phosphorus and folic acid.


Essential foods for a healthy diet

It has sulfur components that help purify the cellular system, to strengthen joints and connective tissues and optimize the elasticity of blood vessels. It provides antioxidants, such as manganese, vitamin C and selenium, powerful reducers of inflammation.

Green leaves

Essential foods for a healthy diet

Among them are spinach, chard and arugula. They are full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are positive for cell function and communication and ensure that enzymatic reactions happen when they should. They help to have a strong immune system.

What other foods would you include on the list? Are any of these foods common in your daily diet? Tell us, leave your opinion in the comments.

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