Exercising is a great way not only to maintain physical health but also mental health, as it helps us relax and get rid of stress, as well as improving memory, our quality of sleep and helps us to have a better state of mind. .

Unfortunately, not all people love being locked up in a gym lifting weights or running on a machine without getting anywhere, this can get boring and that is why they give up doing any exercise. It is also possible that sports are not their thing and that is why they do not practice things as popular as soccer, tennis or basketball.

Fortunately, there is an area of sports called outdoor that allows us to have all the benefits of exercising and more.

What are outdoor sports?

Outdoor sports, or also called outdoor sports, are those sports or activities of a physical nature that are practiced in direct contact with nature. Some of these sports can test our physical and mental abilities, but everything will depend on the level of difficulty you choose when doing them.

What are the most popular outdoor sports?

There are many sports that can be practiced outdoors but we will explain a little about the most popular outdoor sports.


This physical activity is probably one of the oldest in the world, defining it is as easy as saying it is going for a run outdoors. Although there are variants depending on the terrain or the place where it is done, for example trail running.

Trail running is going for a run but in natural areas, that is, like mountains or roads that have rugged relief and unevenness. In trail running the terrain is constantly changing. It runs on trails, stones, mud, grass and even through snow

In order to carry out a good race outdoors, it is necessary to be in good physical health, since some of the constant injuries that can appear from practicing it are knee or muscle discomfort.



Hiking is the physical activity of going for a walk on marked trails and paths, generally in the mountains or in rural areas. The difficulty of this outdoor exercise depends on the routes taken. It is a mixture of sports and tourist activity, which takes place mainly in natural environments.

Hiking is a non-competitive activity, this means that its purpose is not to compete against time or against other participants. On the contrary, it is a perfect activity to take it easy, enjoy in company, share great moments and experiences, and disconnect from the routine.



Mountaineering is the sport of walking and excursions through the mountains, making ascents and descents in them. Although it can be confused with hiking, there are several differences between these two outdoor sports, the main one is that mountaineering takes place in high mountain areas, so its difficulty is greater than that of hiking.

Mountaineering encompasses multiple activities such as:

  • Hiking
  • Trekking
  • Winter mountaineering
  • Mountaineering, Andinism and Himalayism
  • Climbing, classic, sport and ice
  • Mountain races
  • Mountain bike routes
  • Canyoning
  • Ski touring

To carry out this activity it is advisable to do it with someone who knows about the subject and learn technical aspects to avoid accidents.


Mountain biking

Mountain biking is a type of competitive sport carried out on natural circuits through forests and mountains on narrow paths and with steep slopes. It is also called mountain biking and BTT. It is considered a risk sport that covers a multitude of specialties.

Mountain biking can be practiced individually, but it is recommended to do it in a group since going out on such complicated roads is risky and in an emergency it is best to have someone around you who can help you.

Mountain biking


Surfing is a water sport, which is carried out outdoors, in which the aim is to move standing on a board along a wave of the sea. During the tour you can do different maneuvers along the wall of the wave. It is vitally important to be able to maintain balance while moving.

There are several types of surfing apart from the conventional one, some of the best known are:

  • Windsurfing. In this variant of surfing, movement in the water is carried out using the board and a sail. In addition to maintaining your balance, you must be aware of the wind at all times to avoid dangerous situations.
  • Kitesurfing. The displacement is due to the fact that our table is driven by a kite or kite. Thanks to this you can perform different turns, and even surf the waves, and perform pirouettes through the air. 
  • Paddle surfing. We must go standing on a board with an oar, which is used to slide due to the impulse it provides.
  • Bodyboard. It is practiced sliding on a board in shallow water, with a board that is shorter and more flexible than a normal surf board.



Rafting is the English term for the descent of rivers. This outdoor sport consists of descending the rivers in the direction of the current with a raft. The occupants aim to steer the raft by using the oars to avoid obstacles that may be encountered during the descent. This activity can be done in groups, individually or in pairs.

To practice Rafting it is necessary to know the areas intended for it. It cannot be practiced anywhere, there are areas of rivers enabled for its descent, safely and in relation to the degree of knowledge and practice that one has.



Snorkeling or snorkeling consists of moving along the surface of the water, with suitable material: a pair of fins, a mask and a tube; and observe the seabed. In addition, it is a sport that is also characterized by being able to breathe continuously through the tube that remains on the surface. This practice is also known as tubing.



Diving, also known as scuba diving or scuba diving, consists of submerging in the water, be it in a lake, the sea or a river and thus being able to observe what surrounds us under this underwater environment.

There are two types of diving:

  • Recreational diving. Its purpose is recreation and enjoyment. It can be practiced in two ways, through free diving or apnea, which is the descent to the depth of the sea with free lung, and autonomous or scuba diving, through which the diver uses a bottle with compressed air. Recreational diving is generally limited to 20-40 meters depth.
  • Professional diving. It is considered professional due to the training, studies and licenses that the diver has. It is determined that the use of air rebreathers, also called "recycled respiratory assistance devices" is within this category, due to the risk and the level of preparation required by the diver who uses them. You can descend to depths of more than 100 m.


Benefits of doing outdoor sports

Performing this type of exercise can bring many benefits such as:

  • Improves overall fitness
  • Improvement of the cardiovascular system
  • Relieve the stress
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improved self esteem
  • Prevents cognitive diseases
  • Improves the immune system
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves coordination and balance skills
  • Helps to rest better
  • Allows you to meet people
  • Connects you with nature and promotes respect for it

What is your favorite outdoor sport? Do you think we did not mention something important? Leave your opinion in the comments.

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